Construction is a dangerous business, one of the most dangerous. It’s a challenge to keep people safe and healthy on the job, and no one can do it alone. That's why we hired a new Safety Director, and consulting firm, Haztek…who specializes in safety and savings. We offer various ways for our Members to increase safety at their jobsites. Working together, we'll help you save time, money, and most importantly, lives. We also offer an array of services designed to enhance contractor competitiveness and protect the health and safety of our workers.
Through the IFCA Safety Program, Members will receive a safety evaluation/assessment, safety director services and a variety of templates inclusive of a company specific safety and health manual. Our training and safety program will help members improve their:
- Total Recordable Incidence Rate (TRIR)
- Days Away, Restricted, or Transferred (DART)
- Lost Workday Rate (LWR)
- Severity Rate
The IFCA Safety Program will also help Members:
- Decrease down-time due to jobsite accidents
- Pay lower workers' compensation premiums
- Provide safe and compliant projects
- Increase workforce morale
IFCA is an Industry Partner with Mid-Atlantic Construction Safety Council