Wet floors happen from time to time. Mopping, rain and melting snow are common reasons for wet floors. Serious concern should be granted to floors that remain wet on a continuous basis due to a water leak, leaking valve or condensation. Remember that wet floors, no matter what the reason, can be extremely dangerous. Wet floors are a major contributor to slips & falls where serious injuries are the result. Review these wet floor safety tips with all employees.
Hazards of wet floors
- Slips with rearward falls, rearward falls produce injuries to the head, back & pelvis.
- An employee could fall into a machine or onto a sharp object, creating a serious injury.
- Falls from a standing position can be fatal.
Making safety a priority:
- Slips, trips, and falls constitute the majority of general industry accidents.
- They cause 15% of all accidental deaths, and are second only to motor vehicles as a cause of fatalities.
- Keep floors clean and dry.
- Continually wet floors promote the growth of mold, fungi and bacteria that can cause infections.
- Place warning signs in wet areas.
- Do not walk through a freshly mopped area.
- Block off areas with wet floors.
- Maintain good drainage.
- Bridge over wet areas with false floors, platforms or mats, or other dry standing places.
- Clean up spills immediately.
- When your work requires activity in wet areas, purchase footwear that limits slips on wet floor surfaces.
- When mopping a hallway or entrance way, mop only one side at a time so employees won’t be forced to walk through the mopped area.
- Place fans to help dry the floor surface quickly.
- Do not run.
- Provide adequate lighting.