If the injury or illness only requires the following type of treatment, consider it first aid and DO NOT record.
- Using non-prescription medications at non-prescription strength
- Administering tetanus immunizations
- Cleaning, flushing, or soaking wounds on the skin surface
- Using wound coverings, bandages, band aids, gauze pads, steri-strips, butterfly bandages
- Using hot or cold therapy
- Using any totally non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid back belts etc.
- Using temporary immobilization devices while transporting an accident victim
- Drilling a fingernail or toe nail to relieve pressure or drain fluid from blister
- Using eye patches
- Using simple irrigation or a cotton swab to remove foreign bodies not embedded in or adhered to the eye
- Using irrigation, tweezers, cotton swab or other simple means to remove splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye
- Using finger guards
- Using massages
- Drinking fluids to relieve heat stress